Smrati Skog

Smrati Skog

Smrati Skog has lived, and worked as a therapist and teacher, at the Osho Resort in Pune, India for 18 years.

She has also given courses, training and sessions, in many parts of the world. She practices with the body, feelings and guides us to reconnect with our inner depths.

Smrati is passionate about these matters, likes to share her knowledge with us and also explore herself deeper – whether it is about tantra exercises with a partner, resting in Aqua Floating, deep breathing during a massage session or about life itself.To her, meeting and practicing together with people, who want to be true to themselves, is a gift.

Smrati offers courses, trainings and provides Tantra sessions (for singles and couples), Rebalancing massage and TantraPulsation

Deep Union – Tantra for couples” It’s a true gift to have the opportunity to meet, explore together with another person who wants to be true to himself ….to reconnect with the inner depth. Through deepened contact with the body , feeling and the being, to feel that I am really alive…here and now, present in this moment! Couple up before with someone you want to explore a deep tantric union with.

By playfully and honestly expressing ourselves , we lose our fear of love and open ourselves to new dimensions of intimacy.


Day 2, Jun 14

Day 4, Jun 16

By playfully and honestly expressing ourselves

Deep Union

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